Keep your nutrition simple and the rest will follow


It can be a nightmare of where to start when you begin to look at changing food habits.

You may of tried several fad diets that just simply didn’t work for you. They might of been too restrictive, too boring, too easy not to stick with.

Working on your nutrition alongside your training will help you succeed well. Check out my online training packages and my easy to follow cookbooks.

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These can limit you to food that is dull and tasteless, often leaving you feeling hungry causing a cycle of over eating and snacking

What you need to do at a basic level is to have portion sizes that fit your personal goals. This can include using your hand to portion out what you will eat

Protein = Palm size amount is one portion

Carb = Cupped hand for one portion

Fat = Thumb size amount for one portion

VEG = A Fist is equal to one portion of veg

This can be seen in the diagram below

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Each meal then is made up of 1 or 2 portions of each hand shape to have a balanced nutritional meal.

You don’t need to deprive yourself of food that you like whatsoever! Just being mindful of quantities is all you need to do.

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I encourage my clients to still eat the enjoyable healthy foods they like but just keep the portion under control.

They just need to have a plan what they want for the week, it helps making sure they hit their levels daily for protein, carbs and fats but also handy for shopping list.

I buy a 1.2kg lasagna it can easily be divided into 4 portions, so you have 4 meals for yourself or share with family.

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Making your own meals fresh or prepared is best and more optimal method to use.

Lunches for taking to work or even just to have ready in the fridge can be pre made in containers for 2 to 3 days in advance.

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Another great option I like to do is use a slow cooker and cook a large batch of chicken / turkey or beef, with a good mix of veggies and my sauce of choice for that batch.

This can be eaten that day or cooled frozen and just heated when I want it.

This reduces thinking what to cook daily to stay on track, and reduced cleaning up too!

So its WIN WIN !

Cooking this way you can have all the preparation done on a Sunday evening so you have no cooking during the week.

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Check out Cali Cali sauces to add to meals

Alternatively if you cant heat up meals when you are out you can still do advanced preparation for meals on the go too.

Chicken salad, smoked salmon and boiled eggs with gluten free brown bread sun-dried tomatoes.

One the biggest commitments to yourself on your fitness journey for weight loss / fat loss or building muscle, is to keep your nutritional goals being reached daily preferably, but certainly weekly.

Don’t worry if one or two days don’t go to plan, you don’t need to starve yourself to balance it out quickly, just carry on and it will balance out over the week.

Breakfast Options

Start your day with a breakfast of protein and healthy fats as they will help you feel fuller for longer and reduce your need for a mid morning snack.

A good breakfast fry up is always good, but making small changes will help. Cook the following with small amount of coconut oil 0.5-1tsp, or if you prefer 1 cal oil.

3 Turkey sausages or Turkey Bacon

2 Fried eggs

Reduced sugar beans

Cherry tomatoes

Wilted Spinach

More recipes will be in other page soon, to help you be creative.

What is your favourite meal you won’t want to loose out on?

By |2021-10-20T12:23:00+00:00December 5th, 2020|Education|0 Comments

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